INdecosa news

25/05/17 New megastore Pandora in Santander

Une magnifique inauguration pour cette Flagship Pandora à Santander. "La plus belle boutique Pandora d'Espagne et d'Europe", telles ont été les paroles des responsables Pandora Espagne. Une reconnaissance à notre travail qui nous comble de fierté. Plus de photos sur notre section "Album photo". A beautiful inauguration for this flagship Pandora in Santander. "The most beautiful Pandora shop in Spain and Europe", were the words said by Pandora Spain director.
An acknowledgment to our work that fills us with pride. More photos on our section "Portofolio" 

23/05/17 New reception for ISS in Sant Cugat

En temps record, INdecosa réalise cette rénovation de la nouvelle réception du siège de ISS à Sant Cugat (Barcelone). Un travail nocturne pour un minimum de dérangement. Un nouveau design plus moderne et plein de couleurs. In a little time, INdecosa realised this restoration of ISS new reception in Sant Cugat (Barcelona). A work done by night for a minus of disturbs. A new design , modern , and fully colored.

6/04/17 Entire refurbishment Pandora CC Maquinista

INdecosa finished this superb renovation of Pandora store in Commerial center "La Maquinista" in Barcelona. A new look for this spring season.

3/04/17 VERSE new headquaters in Catalunya square Barcelona

Verse , an application for mobile payments , just arrives in the heart of Barcelona: Catalunya square.

The style is californian and cool , built by INdecosa and designed by Jaume Puigdengoles.

Our best photos in Portofolio/work area's section.

12/12/16 New head quaters of Nespresso Spain in Sant Cugat finished

INdecosa just finish the new head quaters of Nespresso Spain (DABA) in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona).