INdecosa news

26/09/16 Pharmacy Olimpic opened

Just in front of the "Joventut de Badalona" sports stadium , Indecosa is delivering the new Pharmacy Olimpic. With a design of right lines et timber floor, it's surely the most beautiful pharmacy of Badalona.

09/09/2016 L'Occitane Vincennes opened

In Vincennes city center close to Paris , Indecosa realised the entyre refurbishment of the old L'Occitane en Provence shop. With this work , Indecosa already made his sixth work shop in France . And in Spain , Indecosa has done 25 works between , entyre refurbishments and new shops with "L'Occitane en Provence".


14/04/16 Opened a new "Occitane" shop in Nîmes France

Indecosa just finished the new concept shop "Occitane en Provence " in Nîmes. A shop with a unique concept in the center of Nîmes in France.


1/04/2016 New Pharmacy Tuset in Barcelona

Superb new Pharmacy in Tuset Street Barcelona. Surely the most beautiful pharmacy in all Barcelona.

More photos in portofolio.


24/10/15 new workspace of Nespresso in Madrid


Indecosa start to work with Nespresso trade mark  in Spain. With this work, Indecosa found a new world wide famous client.